Intention: Setting Direction on the Stormy Seas of a Pandemic

Setting Direction On The Stormy Seas Of A Pandemic:

Though I have been thinking a lot about how my mindfulness practice provides me with some much appreciated support in the midst of this pandemic, it is the questions around intention that have deepened that practice and enhanced my capacity to choose how I relate to this moment.  So what is my intention in these unprecedented times and how does my practice help me orient in that direction?
The Buddha taught that everything arises at the tip of intention. This has never been more evident to me than it is right now.

The reality is, I can do virtually nothing about what is unfolding.
What I can do is cultivate the ability, moment by moment, to choose how I relate to this experience. How do I want to respond to these challenging times? What is my intention in the midst of this pandemic and how does my practice support me?  Can I “let be” and relax with this level of uncertainty?  What can support me in that practice…the practice of letting be?

And, can I cultivate self-compassion and compassion for others as we all navigate this uncharted territory? Can I begin again when I feel that I have strayed from my intention, which, if I am being totally honest, has certainly happened countless times? The reminder here is that intention is the pointing in a direction, a north star, not a destination. If I am paying attention when I get off course, which will inevitably happen, I can always make a course correction.

When I see fear arising, instead of being hijacked by my fight, flight and freeze reactivity, can I calm my nervous system and see the common suffering and relate to it, and to others, in a way that is consistent with a dedication to deepening kindness and compassion?  Even if those “others” are exhibiting behavior that is making me feel threatened and concerned (dare I say even if they are not socially distancing as I deem appropriate). Remembering to feel my feet on the floor or take a few mindful breaths or even remind myself, with a hand on my heart, that I am doing all I can to keep myself and others healthy and well.  Or when the news is so sad that I just don’t think I can bear it, remembering to consciously and gently touch into the deep sadness with kindness and compassion and enough equanimity to hold it in my heart without getting lost in it.  Can I attend skillfully to all the feelings as I work to navigate my days with more grace and ease, reminding myself that all feelings are welcome and hold them with mindfulness and compassion?

These questions and others serve as daily reminders to support my capacity to work with my feelings so I can see more clearly and have some choice in how to respond.
And, if like me, you find intention helps to guide you with some meaning and clarity, you may consider how you want to navigate these uncertain and challenging times. What is your north star as you set your course through the stormy seas of this pandemic?


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